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April 24, 2020:

Conserving Cash During COVID-19

April 24, 2020:

Conserving Cash During COVID-19

April 24, 2020:

Conserving Cash During COVID-19

News & Resources

November 18, 2020:

Telergy Podcast by Michael Warady, CFP at Source Advisors 

Mark Friedman, Telergy's founder and Chief Optimization Officer, was interviewed by Michael Warady, CFP at Source Advisors on this podcast where Mark shared some thoughts on how companies can improve cash flow by cutting waste out of their technology, telecom and energy costs. The podcast can be accessed here: 

June 12, 2020:

Beware of Auto-Renewal Clauses in Tech Contracts

May 1, 2020:

How Are Businesses Spending Their Technology Budgets in 2020

Mark Friedman's article, "Beware of Auto-Renewal Clauses in Your Tech Contracts," describes the steps that need to be taken by companies to mitigate the risks involved in accepting auto-renewal clauses in technology contracts. In order to view this article, push the following button: 

April 24, 2020:

Conserving Cash During COVID-19

Mark Friedman's article, "How Are Businesses Spending Their Technology Budgets in 2020," describes how companies of all sizes intend to spend their technology budgets in 2020 based upon a 2019 survey conducted by Spiceworks of over 1,000+ companies in North America and Europe. In order to view this article, push the following button: 

Continuing the discussion on how to address financial challenges caused by COVID-19, Mark Friedman published an article entitled "Conserving Cash during COVID-19". This article contains practical tips on how businesses can conserve cash during this economic crisis. . In order to view this article, push the following button: 

April 17, 2020:

Telecom Optimization Strategies During COVID-19

Continuing the discussion on how to address financial challenges caused by COVID-19, Mark Friedman published an article entitled "Telecom Optimization Strategies during COVID-19". This article describes changes that may need to be made by companies to their telecom environment to reduce costs and accommodate the operational needs of their remote workforce. In order to view this article, push the following button: 

April 10, 2020:

Cost-Cutting Strategies for Technology & Telecom Services Under Contract

Continuing the discussion on how to address financial challenges caused by COVID-19, Mark Friedman published an article entitled "Reacting to Short-Term Financial Challenges Caused by COVID-19: Tech & Telecom Services Under Contract". This article describes how your company can achieve quick savings from those technology and telecom services under contract. In order to view this article, push the following button: 

April 3, 2020:

Cost-Cutting Strategies for Technology & Telecom Services Not Under Contract

Continuing the discussion on how to address financial challenges caused by COVID-19, Mark Friedman published an article entitled "Reacting to Short-Term FInancial Challenges Caused by COVID-19: Tech & Telecom Services Not Under Contract". This article describes quick way to reduce your technology and telecom spend by addressing services not under contract. In order to view the article, push the following button:

March 27, 2020:

Reacting to Short-Term Financial Challenges Caused by COVID-19

As a result of the outbreak of COVID-19 and its chilling effect on businesses and the economy in general, Mark Friedman published an article entitled "Reacting to Short-Term Financial Challenges Caused by COVID-19". This article explores what middle-market companies should do to improve their financial future during these troubling times. In order to view the article, push the following button:  

November 21, 2019:

Telergy's Founder/COO Receives "Most Active New Member of the Year" Award from TMA Chicago/Midwest Chapter

Mark Friedman joined the Turnaround Management Association's Chicago/Midwest chapter (comprised of over 700 members) in November 2018 in order to network with TMA members and learn more about the turnaround and corporate restructuring industry. After joining, Mark hit the ground sprinting, immediately joining the Membership Committee as a Co-Chair, bringing his data-driven approach to membership tasks and impressing all with his energy and enthusiasm. Beginning in August 2019, the Chapter starting seeing the fruits of Mark's (and the Committee's) labor through increased membership and renewals. Thankfully, Mark will be staying on the Committee for the 2020 term to continue the upward momentum created in 2019.


The Turnaround Management Association (TMA) is the most professionally diverse organization in the corporate restructuring, renewal, and corporate health space. Established in 1988, TMA has almost 10,000 members in 53 chapters worldwide, including 33 North American chapters. Members include turnaround practitioners, attorneys, accountants, advisors, liquidators, consultants, as well as academic, government employees, and members of the judiciary.  

October, 2019:

Telergy's Founder/COO Publishes Article "Complacency is the Enemy of Cost Optimization in Technology Contracts" in TMA's Journal of Corporate Renewal

Mark Friedman published an article entitled "Complacency is the Enemy of Cost Optimization in Technology Contracts" in the October 2019 edition of TMA's international publication, Journal of Corporate Renewal. In this article, Mark discusses strategies to reduce technology costs and address other areas of hidden cost and risk when reviewing and negotiating new technology contracts and renewing existing ones. The failure to carefully and competently review and negotiate the pricing and other terms contained in technology contracts can lead to the payment of excessive fees and the assumption of unreasonable risk and liability. In order to view the article, push the following button: 

September 24 - 26, 2018:

Telergy's Founder/COO Attends ETMA Fall Conference in Philly

Telergy's Founder and Chief Optimization Officer, Mark Friedman, attended the Member Conference of the Enterprise Technology Management Association (ETMA) held at The Bellevue Hotel in Philadelphia, PA from September 24 - 26, 2018. The conference theme was "The Revolution of Connected Technologies." After an Ax Throwing networking event at Urban Axes on Tuesday evening, the next day was filled with interesting speakers and panels who addressed several topics, including: Evolution of Connectivity Services; Global Telecom Expense Management (TEM) & Managed Mobility Services (MMS); TEM/MMS Market Opportunities & Risks; Current Mobility Trends & the Emergence of 5G; Buying and Selling a Business; and more. As always, the ETMA Conference allowed Telergy to gain market intelligence, learn industry trends and find innovative new ways to increase our clients' profitability, while providing excellent opportunity for C-Level networking, business development and collaboration with industry leaders.  


ETMA (formerly TEMIA) is an independent non-profit association that was established by Solutions Providers for Solutions Providers that seeks to raise awareness, foster industry growth, and improve the quality and value of Technology Management solutions. 

News & Resources

In this article co-authored by Mark Friedman and Seth Tuman (CAO & Partner at 2Go Advisory Group headquartered in Walnut Creek, CA), "Avoid Overpaying for Your Technology Contracts" describes the importance of reviewing and negotiating technology contracts and the financial and non-financial risks of failing to do so. The article discusses how to obtain the best pricing and payments terms and hold your vendors accountable. In order to view this article, push the following button: 

December 8, 2020:

Telergy LinkedIn Live Interview by Michael Warady, CFP at Source Advisors 

In this "live" interview, Mark Friedman, Telergy's founder and Chief Optimization Officer, discusses Telergy's cost management services and shares his thoughts on how companies can identify and cut waste out of their technology, telecom and energy costs. The LinkedIn Live inteview can be accessed here: 

November 18, 2020:

Telergy Podcast Interview by Michael Warady, CFP at Source Advisors 

Mark Friedman, Telergy's founder and Chief Optimization Officer, was interviewed by Michael Warady, CFP at Source Advisors on his podcast series entitled "Strategies and Ideas for U.S. Businesses". In this podcast, Mark discusses Telergy's cost-saving services and shares stories on the struggles IT teams face in properly managing their technology and telecom spend. The podcast can be accessed here: 

November 12, 2020:

Mark Friedman of Telergy Receives Outstanding Service Award from the Chicago/Midwest Chapter of the Turnaround Management Association

June 12, 2020:

Beware of Auto-Renewal Clauses in Tech Contracts

Mark Friedman, Telergy's founder and Chief Optimization Officer, received TMA's Outstanding Service Award, along with the rest of the Membership Committee, for their extraordinary efforts made in increasing the Chapter's YOY membership by 9% during a very challenging year (when most Chapters experienced a decrease in membership), catapulting the Chicago Chapter to the largest TMA Chapter in the world.

May 1, 2020:

How Are Businesses Spending Their Technology Budgets in 2020

Mark Friedman's article, "Beware of Auto-Renewal Clauses in Your Tech Contracts," describes the steps that need to be taken by companies to mitigate the risks involved in accepting auto-renewal clauses in technology contracts. In order to view this article, push the following button: 

April 24, 2020:

Conserving Cash During COVID-19

Mark Friedman's article, "How Are Businesses Spending Their Technology Budgets in 2020," describes how companies of all sizes intend to spend their technology budgets in 2020 based upon a 2019 survey conducted by Spiceworks of over 1,000+ companies in North America and Europe. In order to view this article, push the following button: 

Continuing the discussion on how to address financial challenges caused by COVID-19, Mark Friedman published an article entitled "Conserving Cash during COVID-19". This article contains practical tips on how businesses can conserve cash during this economic crisis. . In order to view this article, push the following button: 

April 17, 2020:

Telecom Optimization Strategies During COVID-19

Continuing the discussion on how to address financial challenges caused by COVID-19, Mark Friedman published an article entitled "Telecom Optimization Strategies during COVID-19". This article describes changes that may need to be made by companies to their telecom environment to reduce costs and accommodate the operational needs of their remote workforce. In order to view this article, push the following button: 

April 10, 2020:

Cost-Cutting Strategies for Technology & Telecom Services Under Contract

Continuing the discussion on how to address financial challenges caused by COVID-19, Mark Friedman published an article entitled "Reacting to Short-Term Financial Challenges Caused by COVID-19: Tech & Telecom Services Under Contract". This article describes how your company can achieve quick savings from those technology and telecom services under contract. In order to view this article, push the following button: 

April 3, 2020:

Cost-Cutting Strategies for Technology & Telecom Services Not Under Contract

Continuing the discussion on how to address financial challenges caused by COVID-19, Mark Friedman published an article entitled "Reacting to Short-Term FInancial Challenges Caused by COVID-19: Tech & Telecom Services Not Under Contract". This article describes quick way to reduce your technology and telecom spend by addressing services not under contract. In order to view the article, push the following button:

March 27, 2020:

Reacting to Short-Term Financial Challenges Caused by COVID-19

As a result of the outbreak of COVID-19 and its chilling effect on businesses and the economy in general, Mark Friedman published an article entitled "Reacting to Short-Term Financial Challenges Caused by COVID-19". This article explores what middle-market companies should do to improve their financial future during these troubling times. In order to view the article, push the following button:  

November 21, 2019:

Telergy's Founder/COO Receives "Most Active New Member of the Year" Award from TMA Chicago/Midwest Chapter

Mark Friedman joined the Turnaround Management Association's Chicago/Midwest chapter (comprised of over 700 members) in November 2018 in order to network with TMA members and learn more about the turnaround and corporate restructuring industry. After joining, Mark hit the ground sprinting, immediately joining the Membership Committee as a Co-Chair, bringing his data-driven approach to membership tasks and impressing all with his energy and enthusiasm. Beginning in August 2019, the Chapter starting seeing the fruits of Mark's (and the Committee's) labor through increased membership and renewals. Thankfully, Mark will be staying on the Committee for the 2020 term to continue the upward momentum created in 2019.


The Turnaround Management Association (TMA) is the most professionally diverse organization in the corporate restructuring, renewal, and corporate health space. Established in 1988, TMA has almost 10,000 members in 53 chapters worldwide, including 33 North American chapters. Members include turnaround practitioners, attorneys, accountants, advisors, liquidators, consultants, as well as academic, government employees, and members of the judiciary.  

October, 2019:

Telergy's Founder/COO Publishes Article "Complacency is the Enemy of Cost Optimization in Technology Contracts" in TMA's Journal of Corporate Renewal

Mark Friedman published an article entitled "Complacency is the Enemy of Cost Optimization in Technology Contracts" in the October 2019 edition of TMA's international publication, Journal of Corporate Renewal. In this article, Mark discusses strategies to reduce technology costs and address other areas of hidden cost and risk when reviewing and negotiating new technology contracts and renewing existing ones. The failure to carefully and competently review and negotiate the pricing and other terms contained in technology contracts can lead to the payment of excessive fees and the assumption of unreasonable risk and liability. In order to view the article, push the following button: 

September 24 - 26, 2018:

Telergy's Founder/COO Attends ETMA Fall Conference in Philly

Telergy's Founder and Chief Optimization Officer, Mark Friedman, attended the Member Conference of the Enterprise Technology Management Association (ETMA) held at The Bellevue Hotel in Philadelphia, PA from September 24 - 26, 2018. The conference theme was "The Revolution of Connected Technologies." After an Ax Throwing networking event at Urban Axes on Tuesday evening, the next day was filled with interesting speakers and panels who addressed several topics, including: Evolution of Connectivity Services; Global Telecom Expense Management (TEM) & Managed Mobility Services (MMS); TEM/MMS Market Opportunities & Risks; Current Mobility Trends & the Emergence of 5G; Buying and Selling a Business; and more. As always, the ETMA Conference allowed Telergy to gain market intelligence, learn industry trends and find innovative new ways to increase our clients' profitability, while providing excellent opportunity for C-Level networking, business development and collaboration with industry leaders.  


ETMA (formerly TEMIA) is an independent non-profit association that was established by Solutions Providers for Solutions Providers that seeks to raise awareness, foster industry growth, and improve the quality and value of Technology Management solutions. 

October 19, 2021:
Avoid Overpaying for Your Technology Contracts

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